Do you want people to stop going to church?

No. We want Christians to stop going to Rock Bridge. Every Christian should join a biblically faithful New Testament Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, with meaningful membership, and participate in its ministries and Lord’s Day worship services. If Rock Bridge was such a church, this site wouldn’t exist.

Don’t you feel bad attacking a church?

The Church is the Bride of Christ. We would feel bad if we were attacking a biblically faithful church. Rock Bridge is more of a marketing organization in our view. At best, it’s a parachurch organization, more akin to a campus outreach or tent revival. Frankly, it’s a knock-off of Andy Stanley’s North Point model. This is America. We have freedom of religion. Anyone can start an organization and call himself a pastor, whether he is biblically qualified or not. That’s basically what Matt Evans did.

Are there other sites like this?

Yes and more are planned. The seeker-sensitive franchise model of church has come to dominate the evangelical landscape. There’s a Rock Bridge in every town. We are working on sites to address those churches as well. Progress is slow but hopefully whyelevation.com is next.

Don’t people get saved at Rock Bridge?

We rejoice if someone hears the gospel through Rock Bridge and comes to faith in Christ through the proclamation of that gospel, but that person should get away from Rock Bride and into another church as soon as possible.

Do you have an axe to grind?

No. We are not former members, and no one from Rock Bridge has ever harmed us. Even if they had, it’s not biblical to seek revenge on people. We simply want a better Dalton and surrounding area. We hate to see new Christians find their way to Rock Bridge and older Christians abandon Biblical churches. This site exists out of concern for the people who attend Rock Bridge. We don’t have anything against them. We’re here to help them.

What are my kids supposed to do if we leave? What about their friends at Rock Bridge?

Your kids need to be discipled into maturity…by you. The best thing for your children and the children of your friends and family is to get them out of that environment right now.

I serve. If I leave, I won’t be able to make a difference in my area of service. Should I still leave?

Yes. Your service ultimately enables Rock Bridge’s leadership to continue in its error. Pull off the band-aid and leave. Maybe some people will come with you. Maybe they won’t.

Is it okay if I attend Rock Bridge online?

It’s impossible to attend church online. A church gathering is a physical, not virtual, event. Watching a live stream of a church service doesn’t make you a part of that church nor does it constitute assembling on the Lord’s Day. The book of Hebrews says, “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Going to church online isn’t going to church. That Rock Bridge has an “Online Connections Pastor” is evidence that Rock Bridge isn’t a biblical church.

Where does the money given to this site go?

This site is not a money-making enterprise. Funds received are used to advertise the site on social media and other outlets. The best thing you can do to help is to share this site on your social media feed and email lists.

What expenses are involved in maintaining this site?

The expenses of the site are very basic. There is an annual cost for the domain. The site is hosted for free by Reformed Hosting. You can give if you want to help, but the site will go on even if no one does; the word will just get out more slowly.